
I love painting pumpkins, cuz I've never been a fan of digging out the guts inside. Also, they last longer, and it leaves something for the squirrels to eat.

Of course, it can take me days to think of something to draw, and longer to paint 'em cuz I use a very tiny-tipped brush.

Like what you see? Follow me on Instagram, peas and q's. Also, I love getting suggestions for what to do next year 😊

Cow Abduction

I didn't have time to paint a pumpkin for Halloween, so I did a Thanksgiving one instead & gifted it to my co-worker, Pete, who gave me a bunch of free pumpkins ❀ For this one, I envisioned the cows being abducted on purpose. Can't eat them if they're gone, right? (2021)

Among Us

Like so many others, my daughter was into this game for awhile. I thought the characters were cute and easy to draw, so I did a few. And despite what the pic shows, the "blue" one is purple, but no matter how I took the pic - he came out blue. Very sus imo. πŸ€” (2020)


I love Star Vs The Forces of Evil. I only wish it hadn't ended so abruptly. It could've used another season. Anywho.. here's Ludo in his chip back, with the piece of Star's wand in his hand. (2019)

Brush with fame #ryanalosio

My brief but exciting brush w/ fame. This was my daughter's pumpkin. It was a joint effort. I outlined and touched it up, but she painted it. Anywhoo... I put it up on Instagram, and someone who knows the voice actor for Deacon tagged him... and he responded!!! (2018)


Months later, I found this "gem" in my yard. The face of the Vault Boy survived under the snow, but on the backside was the creepy Loki face that I had painted over. 😣 (2019)

Vault Boy - medic perk

After I finished Witcher 3, I got into Fallout 4. Love, love, love the characters in this game. It's 2nd to Dragon Age for me. (2018)

Failed Loki

I thought it'd be cool to put out a Loki pumpkin at my new house. However, after sketching out the image on paper, then onto the pumpkin once I decided what I wanted - I hated it. He looks like Rumpelstiltskin. (2018)

Pennywise - November

Nothing like seeing this in your yard as the paint slowly flecks off. 😣😰

p.s. there is painted blood on the balloon, but you can't see it well from this angle. #stephenkingsit (2017)


I wish I had gotten a better picture of my daughter's pumpkin. She did a great job on the scream mask. And I loved the added blood from the eyes. (2017)


I know a lot of people like the new Pennywise, but Tim Curry is my fav. He was just so creepy. 😫 "You want a balloon, Georgie?" "We all float down here". "Beep beep, Richie". Such a great actor. #stephenkingsit (2017)

Witcher Wight

I love Witcher 3. I spent so long on that game, exploring every section of the map. So what better idea to put on a Halloween pumpkin than a monster from the game? (2016)

Clay Jack o' Lantern

Not sure what year I made this, but it's been awhile. Baking clay used to be my go-to medium, but now I mostly do digital art & woodburning.

Black Widow

A co-worker dropped this tiny gourd off at my desk, so I drew on it. I'm not scared of spiders, but one this big would freak me out. (2016)


While I painted Grunkle Stan's hot air balloon, my daughter did this ghastly. #pokemon (2015)

I Ea t Kids

Lol. Who doesn't love Gravity Falls. This is one of my favorite episodes, where Grunkle Stan tries to join in the balloon float, but it goes horribly wrong. What starts out saying "I Heart Kids" quickly falls apart. (2015)

Weeping Angel

I'm not good w/ making images look 3D, but I impressed myself w/ this. Of course, it was hard to work on cuz I kept waiting for it to grab me when I looked away. 😣 #doctorwho (2014)

Ronald McDonald & The Hamburglar

I wanted to challenge myself since I did easier drawings in years past. I used such a tiny-bristle brush to paint the shoelaces and faces. I wish I had more images, but a hard drive crash wiped out 2011-2013 πŸ˜₯ #mcdonalds (2013)

Angry Monkey

The prior year of "Homer" was fun to draw & the next logical cartoon for me was Family Guy, but I didn't want to draw the family. I'd already done puffy paint shirts of Brian and Stewie - so what was left? I love the running gag of the angry monkey in Chris' closet, so I choose him. (2012)

Homer Simpson

After the "success" of The Cat in the Hat surviving in our yard, I decided to paint another pumpkin. Cartoons are the easiest thing for me to draw, and the idea of Homer eating his way out appealed to me - hence this painting. (2011)

Jack Skellington

This little pumpkin stayed in the house and sat in the kitchen all October. He looks big in the picture, but it's not much bigger than a softball. (2010)

The Cat in the Hat

This was the 1st pumpkin I painted & put outside. I was soooo worried the neighborhood kids would mess w/ it, especially since the corner of our lot is the bus stop, but no, they all left it alone & it sat outside for over a month. (2010)